Yoast SEO – Great to help you in search engines. Easy to set up and enter information into. It even gives you tips on how to improve SEO and Readability.

Social Warfare – This is a great Sharing plugin. You can even upgrade to pro and optimize it for different social medias including different size photos or graphics. You can even change the look of the buttons to match your page (more options with pro). Please Use something else such as Social Pug as Social Warfare has had many problems with crashing sites!

Google Analytics – Tracks all visitors to your site, where they go, what they do and how long they stay. So much important information is gathered to help you know the best day and times.

Broken Link Checker – Great for your site if it is 6 months or older. The plugin will let you know if any links don’t work so you can fix them. I will be using this every 3-6 months to check my site over.

Instagram Feed – Great way to get people interested in your Instagram account. Helps them connect with you better. Displays your feed and basic information. They can click it and go to your Instagram. Same for the next 3 below!

Recent Tweets

Custom Facebook Feed


Sumome – Gives you free tools to help you grow your subscribers, interactions, clicks and more. Many different tools to choose from and all free. It will even integrate with most programs you already use.

BuddyPress – This is a “social network” program that lets you interact in new ways with people on your page. This will help you build your community.

Soliloquy – Great for a responsive slider and integrates with a bunch of other plugins you may have.  There is a yearly fee, but there are similar free options if needed.

Advanced Ads  – For all your ads you want to use on your site. You can customize where and when. You can even tell it which ones you want to run. This is a great free option that will get you started.

Easy Google Fonts – For when you want to add in your own fonts.

If you need more information on plugins, please message me and I will see if I can help you.

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